WF 200 Professional Writing: 14week
*Spring 2023, online asynchronous
Instructor Contact Information
Dr. Young MAC Hall B 328
330.241.7096 (cell; please use only for emergency)
Office hours by appointment, in person or virtual
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Catalog Description
Professional Writing is a course focused on the study and application of best practices for communicating in a digital and intercultural workplace.
Course Learning Outcomes
- Read a diverse range of texts, attending especially to relationships between assertion and evidence, to patterns of organization, to the interplay between verbal and nonverbal elements, and to how these features function for different audiences and situations
- Locate, evaluate, and incorporate primary and secondary research materials, including scholarly and professionally established and maintained databases or archives, and informal electronic networks and internet sources
- Use strategies — such as interpretation, analysis, synthesis, critique, and design/redesign — to compose texts that integrate the writer’s ideas with those from appropriate sources
- Practice applying academic citation conventions systematically in their own work
Required Resources:
Business and Professional Writing: A Basic Guide, 2nd Edition, by Paul MacRae
ISBN-13: 978–1554814718 (You want the light green version of this book.)
You will need: a laptop or desktop computer with reliable internet access; Microsoft Word (unless otherwise stated, all assignments must be submitted in Word [usually a PDF will work too]); a handbook for grammar and MLA/APA citation or ability to effectively navigate the Purdue OWL (
Online learning is different from learning in face-to-face classes. The biggest difference is that you will be totally responsible for your learning and time management. This requires discipline and attention to detail. The role of your instructor in an online course is to make the information for learning available to you, and your role is to follow through with the structures put in place to help you learn. You must read all directions, stay on track with all due dates, and ask questions when you are unsure of what to do. You need to log into the course and check your university e-mail on a daily basis to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information.
“Technical difficulty” is not an acceptable excuse for not submitting work or for not participating in online activities; neither is “I thought I uploaded it” or “I accidentally uploaded the wrong document.” Any of these cases will result in a grade of “0” for the assignment.*
It is your responsibility to confirm that you have uploaded your assignments or participated in discussions. By taking an online course, you are accepting responsibility for having continuous online access. It is better to plan for problems than to panic right before something is due; don’t wait until the very last minute to submit. If you have computer or connectivity problems at home, be prepared to go to some other location with internet access.
If you have some sort of extreme situation (for example, you’re in the hospital) and are unable to submit your work and/or require an extension, contact me and we will address it on an individual basis. Typical life/work responsibilities are not sufficient causes for extensions, since we all have those.
If you are taking this course, then you have either satisfactorily completed WF 100 or tested out of it. I expect that all assignments will be submitted with proper grammar and formatting. You must thoroughly proofread and copy-edit your work BEFORE you submit it. If you struggle with grammar, mechanics, citation, etc., please build in time to use UWGB’s online tutoring service (contact info at end of syllabus) or to seek help on your own. College level writing must be both correct and polished.
Professional introductory e-mail: 5
Sentence analysis test: 20
Share and summarize message: 15
Persuasive message: 30
Sticky situation message: 30
Report pitch: 15
Document design practice: 15
Report proposal: 15
Formal report: 90 (45 for draft; 45 for final)
Cover letter: 30
Resume: 30
LinkedIn profile: 15
Mock interviews: 15
AI and ChatGPT unit: 40
Misc: 15
The culture and values of this course are developed to reflect those preferred in professional settings.
People who display professional conduct engage in certain behaviors consistently. They are punctual, polite, helpful, and considerate; they know what’s going on and don’t hesitate to participate in discussions; they get along well with others. They speak and write clearly and correctly, in a tone that is appropriate for the situation.
Assignment Submission Policy
Assignments are due on or before the due date/time, whether you are in attendance or not. Any assignment not submitted by the deadline will receive a grade of “zero,” with one exception: I recognize that every now and then, something just “happens”; you get extremely sick, you get bogged down by work or family, or you simply forget. In order to accommodate that, everyone gets one freebee. If at some point you miss a deadline, you may submit up to three days late without penalty (this policy applies only to writing assignments, not to discussions, tests, or quizzes). You do not need to give me any sort of explanation or “prove” you deserve the extension, but I would appreciate an e-mail letting me know that you’ll be taking advantage of this option. You may only do this once during the semester.
Plagiarism and How to Avoid It
A grade of “Incomplete” will only be granted in extreme and/or extraordinary circumstances. There are two specific criteria: One, the student must be performing well in the course up to the point that something “happens.” Two, the thing that happens must be very serious and beyond the student’s control. The granting of incomplete grades is for circumstances such as extended student hospitalization, life-threatening medical diagnoses, etc.
Grade Scale
A: 92% +
AB: 89–91%
B: 82–88%
BC: 79 -81%
C: 72 -78%
CD: 69–71%
D: 59–68%
F: Below 59%
Student Resources
UWGB Learning Center (for in-person tutoring):
Virtual tutoring: Access through Canvas (provided by NetTutor)
Computer Services Help Desk: (920) 465–2309
Cofrin Library:
UWGB Counseling and Health Services:
UWGB Accessibility Services: